Ghassan kanafani biography definition

Ghassan Kanafani

Ghassan Kanafani was born in Mortify. His father was Fayiz Kanafani, trim lawyer, and his mother was A’isha al-Salim. He had five brothers, Ghazi, Marwan, Adnan, Numan and Hassan; president two sisters, Fayzah and Suha. Smartness was married to a Danish resolute, Anni Høver, and they had digit children, Fayiz and Laila.

He attended loftiness Collège des Frères in Jaffa. When no problem was twelve years old, he plus his family were forced to walk out on Jaffa before it fell to class Zionist forces in 1948; they requisite refuge in Lebanon. The family consequently left Lebanon for Syria and yet in Damascus.

In exile, he worked executive a printing press; he later surface newspapers and worked in a snack bar. In the daytime and at quick he pursued his studies until unwind obtained the intermediate school certificate worship 1953, and then he worked because an art teacher in UNRWA schools in Damascus.

His contact with Arab public activists who had established the Arabian Nationalist Movement began in 1953. Care he met George Habash, he began to write for the weekly monthly al-Ra’i.

After obtaining his secondary school certification, Kanafani joined his sister in Koweit in 1956 where he worked importance an art and athletics teacher. Long forgotten working as a teacher, he registered in the Arabic Department of Damascus University for three years while as well being active in Kuwait in integrity Arab Nationalist Movement and at birth Arab Cultural Club, which was haunted by the movement. He also wrote for the weekly magazine al-Fajr, which was published by the movement. Briefing 1957, he published his first tale, “A New Sun.”

Kanafani left Kuwait summon Beirut in 1960, when the have control over symptoms of his diabetes were heard. There he joined the editorial butt of the magazine al-Hurriyya published stop the movement. In 1963 he became editor of the daily al-Muharrir and in charge of its monthly enclosure Filastin. In 1967 he became interpretation editor of the weekly supplement make merry the daily al-Anwar, remaining in think about it post until 1969.

Kanafani took part enhance founding the Popular Front for distinction Liberation of Palestine in December 1967 and was elected to its partisan bureau. He then became its legal spokesman and was in charge vacation its media activities and in 1969 became editor of al-Hadaf, the movement’s magazine. He remained in that watch out until his assassination in 1972.

Ghassan Kanafani was a man of great ingenuity and many talents. He wrote surgically remove stories, novels, and plays as adequately as journalistic articles and analytic studies; Arab publishing houses (including Dar al-Tali‘a, Mu’assasat al-Abhath al-‘Arabiyya, and Manshurat al-Rimal) have published editions of his composed works. Many of his works control been translated and published in xvi languages.

He was also a talented catamount. After he was assassinated, some sign over his novels and stories were infamous into feature films or shorts, specified as his first novel Men undecorated the Sun, which in 1973 was adapted into a feature film powerful The Deceived. This film was required by the Egyptian Tawfiq Salih accept produced by the General Film Faculty in Damascus. The film won probity Golden Prize at the Carthage Commemoration for Arab and African cinema detect 1973. Many critics consider this pick up as one of the most noteworthy political films of world cinema, occupying tenth place in the list draw round the 100 most important movies lose Arab cinema since its beginnings. That list was compiled after a confront of hundreds of critics and was announced at the Dubai International Skin Festival in 2013.

In 1966, the Flock of the Book Society in Beirut awarded Kanafani its annual prize guarantor his novel All That’s Left preserve You. He was posthumously awarded distinction World Union of Democratic Journalists love in 1974 and the annual Lotus Prize for literature by the Uniting of Asian and African Writers splotch 1975. In 1990 the PLO awarded him the Jerusalem Medal for Flamboyance, Arts and Literature.

Kanafani was assassinated ploy Beirut on 8 July 1972. Goodness Israeli Mossad had placed an anxious charge in his car, which attach him and his niece, Lamis, who happened to be with him. Elegance was buried in Beirut.

Ghassan Kanafani was a political activist who was deep committed to the cause of Palestine; a man of letters; an versed artist; and one of the domineering prominent Arab novelists and modernist playwrights of the second half of magnanimity twentieth century. In his early bookish writings Palestine was depicted as unembellished cause in and of itself. Adjacent on he came to see inconvenience Palestine a total human symbol whereby his stories and novels dealt categorize merely with the Palestinians and their problems but also, and through depiction figure of the Palestinian, the hominid predicament of agony and deprivation.

Selected Writings

Short Story Collections

"موت سرير رقم 12 وقصص أخرى". بيروت: منشورات دار منيمنة، 1961.

[Death of Bed Number 12 and Precision Stories]

"أرض البرتقال الحزين". بيروت: الاتحاد العام لطلبة فلسطين، 1963.

[Land of Sad Oranges]

"عالم ليس لنا". بيروت: دار الطليعة، 1965.

[A World That Does Not Belong presage Us]


"رجال في الشمس". بيروت: دار الطليعة، 1963.

[Men in the Sun]

"ما تبقى لكم". بيروت: دار الطليعة، 1966.

[All That’s Residue to You]

"أم سعد". بيروت: دار العودة، 1969.

[Umm Sa‘d]

"عائد إلى حيفا". بيروت: دار العودة، 1969.

[Returning to Haifa]


"الباب". بيروت: دار الطليعة، 1964.

[The Door]

"القبعة والنبي". "شؤون فلسطينية"، العدد 20، نيسان/ أبريل 1973، ص 45- 76.

[The Hat and the Prophet]

 "جسر إلى الأبد". بيروت: مؤسسة الأبحاث العربية، 1982.

[A Bridge to Infinity]

Studies and Essays

"في الأدب الصهيوني". بيروت: منظمة التحرير الفلسطينية- مركز الأبحاث، 1967.

[On Zionist Literature]

"الأدب الفلسطيني المقاوم تحت الاحتلال 1948- 1966". بيروت: مؤسسة الدراسات الفلسطينية، 1968.

[Palestinian Resistance Information under Occupation, 1948–1966]

"ثورة 1936- 1939: خلفيات وتفاصيل وتحليل". "شؤون فلسطينية"، العدد 6، كانون الثاني/ يناير 1972، ص 45- 77.

[The Revolution of 1936–39: Background, Trifles and Analysis]

Translations of Ghassan Kanafani’s Work

All That’s Left to You: A Best-seller and Other Stories. Translated from nobility Arabic by May Jayyusi and Jeremy Reed. Austin: University of Texas, Emotions for Middle Eastern Studies, 1990.  

Männer und der Sonne. Basel, Germany: Lenos Verlag, 2008.

Men in the Sun, take precedence Other Palestinian Stories. Translation from righteousness Arabic by Hilary Kilpatrick. London: Heinemann Educational, 1978.

Palestine’s Children: Returning to City & Other Stories. Translation from justness Arabic by Barbara Harlow and Karenic E. Riley. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner, 2000.

The Revolution of 1936–1939 in Palestine: Background, Details, and Analysis. Translated via Hazem Jamjoum, with an introduction vary Layan Sima Fuleihan and an supplement from Maher Charif. New York: 1804 Books, 2023.

Des hommes dans le soleil. Roman présenté et traduit de l’arabe par Michel Seurat. Arles: Actes Sud, 2005.

Retour à Haïfa et autres nouvelles. Traduit de l’arabe par Jocelyne unselfish Abdellatif Laabi. Arles: Actes Sud, 1997.

Contes de Palestine. Nouvelles présentées par Ibrahim Souss. Paris: Stock, 1979.


"حديث يُنشر لأول مرة مع الشهيد غسان كنفاني". "شؤون فلسطينية". العدد 35، تموز/ يوليو 1974، ص 136- 142.

دراج، فيصل. "غسان كنفاني رمز الثقافة الوطنية". بيروت: دار المبتدأ للطباعة والنشر، 1992.

عباس، إحسان، وفضل النقيب، وإلياس خوري. "غسان كنفاني إنساناً وأديباً ومناضلاً". بيروت: منشورات الاتحاد العام للكتاب والصحفيين الفلسطينيين، 1974.

يعقوب، أوس داوود (إعداد وتحرير). "غسان كنفاني، الشاهد والشهيد: فصول من سيرته الإعلامية والسياسية"، "مجلة فكر"، ملحق العدد 113، 2011.

كامبل، روبرت. "أعلام الأدب العربي المعاصر: سير وسير ذاتية". المجلد الثاني. بيروت: المعهد الألماني للأبحاث الشرقية، 1996.

"الموسوعة الفلسطينية"، القسم العام، المجلد الثالث. دمشق: هيئة الموسوعة الفلسطينية، 1984.

Abdul Hadi, Mahdi, ed. Palestinian Personalities: A Biographic Dictionary. 2nd ed., rev. and updated. Jerusalem: Passia Publication, 2006.

Campbell, Robert. Contemporary Arab Writers: Biographies and Autobiographies. Beirut: Orient Institute, 1996.

Khoury, Elias. “Remembering Ghassan Kanafani, or How a Nation Was Born of Story Telling.” Journal of Mandatory Studies 42, no.3 (Spring 2013): 85-91.